Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cause of Acne

Cause of Acne
Things really change as time goes on. Not only external things like smart phones, Skype and digital readers, but your body and mind change. My granddaughter turned one year old last week. My grandson is in middle school this year. It seems like time went by in a nanosecond. I noticed recently my grandson is getting pimples, the bane of the teenage years. I had pimples and mild acne as a teenager. I got to thinking about the causes of pimples.

When I went to the dermatologist at the height of my search for the causes of pimples, the doctor recommended ultraviolet treatments with antibiotics and good skin hygiene. Other causes of pimples I found on my own. I had more pimples when I ate badly: greasy fast food, snacks like potato chips and chocolate. So, causes of pimples for me at that time were bad food choices. I also noticed better skin when I ate fresh fruits and vegetables. This makes sense when you think of your skin as a body organ which needs nutrients to regenerate, heal and maintain health. Causes of pimples are important to pinpoint, so you can avoid these and enjoy the benefits of a glowing complexion. Whether it is you, or your teenager, pimples can be disturbing and makes it harder to cope with day to day stressors. Your confidence level goes down when you feel that you are not your best.

Ten causes of pimples are:
  1. Improper skin hygiene. 
  2. Medications
  3. Many diseases including acne vulgaris, polycystic ovarian disease and rosacea. 
  4. Long-term use of cosmetics. 
  5. Steroids. 
  6. Oral contraceptives. 
  7. Hormones. 
  8. Stress. 
  9. A diet low in nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables. 
  10. Greasy food and chocolate. 
 Obviously, no one person will be subject to the same causes of pimples. The process of development of a pimple is complicated and not all is known about why they form. I have 5 suggestions if you or a loved one is searching for the causes of pimples and some relief.
  1. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and lean protein. 
  2. Wash your face gently with a non drying soap or wash. 
  3. Check your medications and talk with your doctor. Pimples may be related to the medications you are taking. 
  4. Get some sun exposure, but do not try to tan and definitely no sunburns. 
  5. De-stress, whether you exercise, do yoga, meditate, listen to music, paint, play or a combination of all, do something every day for yourself that is pure relaxation. 
Be aware that pimples are a temporary annoyance and you are more aware of them then the people you work and play with. The causes of pimples will pass. As always, have fun out there.


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