Wednesday, November 7, 2012

5 Fitness Mistakes To Evade

fitness to Evade
Many people approach fitness the same way, they jump in as hard as possible, diet hard, train hard, and get burnt out within a few weeks. Jumping in too fast can lead to exhaustion and boredom with health and fitness, leading to many people calling it quits. It even happens to people that have been doing it for years if they aren't careful. It doesn't just affect newcomers. Luckily, if you avoid the 5 mistakes outlined in this article, you probably won't have that happen to you!

No Planning. Planning is probably the most essential thing that anybody successful with health and fitness does. This means you need to plan your diet, plan your meals, plan your workout program, and set realistic goals in a reachable timeframe. Failure to do any of these things listed could be catastrophic for your fitness lifestyle. Random workouts and meals are good sometimes, but if you rely on randomness all the time, you will probably fail!

Excuses. Too many people make too many excuses. Maybe you have a cough so you don't feel like working out. Your friends may want to party later tonight so you can't workout today. Eating healthy is too expensive is another excuse we hear all the time. In reality, it isn't really expensive at all. There is an excuse for everything, and none of them are worth the time it took to think them up. Stop making excuses if you want to be healthier and be physically fit. Nobody has made it to their goals by making excuses.

Workout Frequency. A lot of people think working out once a week for 15 minutes is just fine. Do you think that you should workout everyday for 2-3 hours? Surprisingly, many people think so. They are both wrong. You have to workout the right amount every week to meet your goals, and that amount of time spent working out is different for everyone. You want to workout enough to meet your goals within the foreseeable future and you don't want to overtrain and risk injury. Sticking to something like hitting the gym 3 or 4 times a week for about an hour each time is something good to go by. In fact, thousands of people already follow workout routines that follow that schedule!

Magic. Sorry, science has still yet to come up with a workout program, and a pill that performs magic for you. There is nothing magic about success with health and fitness. It just takes hard work and dedication. It may sound harsh but it can't be any closer to the truth. Companies spend millions on advertisements hoping the consumers don't realize that magic doesn't exist.

Comparisons. So many people lose motivation because they choose to compare themselves to somebody else, usually with more experience under their belt. If you want to succeed, you can't go around comparing your body to the next person. Your genetics are different than everybody, so you can't make comparisons that aren't fair. The only comparison you should be making is yourself now to yourself 6 months ago. That is something that should motivate you dramatically!

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